Village of Carroll
Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area
The Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (D.O.R.A) serves as an economic tool to attract patrons to the Village of Carroll for special events, generate additional sales at local restaurants, and continue to highlight the village as a destination for dining and entertainment.
Designated Hours of Operation
- Sunday-Thursday 12:00 PM-9:00 PM
- Friday and Saturday 12:00 PM-11:00 PM
Participating Businesses
- Barrel Bar & Burgers
- Fillin Station
- Shirky’s Pizza Zone
What are the rules?
- Patrons 21 years of age and older may purchase a beverage in a plastic approved DORA cup, from any participating business and carry it outside within the DORA boundaries.
- Only alcohol bought at establishments within the Village of Carroll’s DORA district is permitted. No outside alcohol is allowed.
- Beverages purchased at one DORA establishment cannot be taken into another DORA approved establishment.
- Some businesses may not permit beverages in the stores. Please be respectful of their wishes.
- As you leave the DORA boundaries, you will encounter “No alcohol beyond this point” signs. Patrons will need to responsibly dispose of beverages before proceeding.
- During normal business; Village of Carroll’s Maintenance Department will be responsible for ensuring that all trash receptacles in the DORA area are emptied regularly and are ample to handle generated waste.
- The Carroll Police Department will handle enforcement of DORA regulations during all hours and with special duty during events. Their substation is located within the designated DORA area which will include routine patrols to enforce responsible behavior. The boundaries of the DORA will be strictly enforced.
D.O.R.A. Boundary Map
No, you must stay within the DORA boundaries. Leaving the DORA with an alcoholic beverage breaks State of Ohio and Village of Carroll open containers laws.
No, once a DORA cup has left a business, it must be consumed before you enter any establishment the serves or sells alcohol.
Yes, as long as the business does not serve or sell alcohol and they’re okay with beverages being consumed in their establishment.
No, you must throw away a DORA cup before entering any business.
Beer, wine, and liquor are all allowable drinks in DORA cups. Drinks must be purchased inside a participating business.
No, only drinks purchased from businesses participating in the DORA are allowed. No cans, glass bottles, or outside drinks are permitted within the boundaries per State of Ohio law.